Product overview of our nozzles

Nozzles of Düsenfabrik

We’ll gladly help you improve your economic results. Whether it is to develop new projects or the optimization of existing plants, use our knowledge and know-how.

You’ll profit from our competent advice and the quick and long-term post purchase possibility of our products. We’ll personally take care of the modification of our nozzles and in emergencies we guarantee the uncomplicated supply of replacement parts that you need.

If necessary, we’ll come to your company to gain a better understanding of the on-site requirements and develop the ideal solution in close cooperation with you. We advise you and support you during assembly and launch of the plant. A further consultation and long-term service go without saying.

As a nozzle manufacturer we don’t only offer standardized solution in high quality, but also develop different custom-made products for individual tasks. This is possible in a very short time span for deliveries in small series.

Quality and reliability are the basis for good co-operation with our customers. This applies to both our products and our service. On request, we will send you all documentation and records of the nozzles.

Flat spray nozzles

Nozzles of Düsenfabrik

Application, for example, for

  • Cleaning systems
  • Roll cooling
  • Dedusting

Typical materials

  • Brass
  • Stainless steel
  • Aluminium

Smooth-jet nozzles

Smooth-jet nozzles of Düsenfabrik

Application, for example, for

  • Cleaning systems
  • Paper cutting
  • Aeration systems

Typical materials

  • Brass
  • Acid-resistant stainless steel
  • Titanium

Hollow conespray nozzles

Hollow conespray nozzles of Düsenfabrik

Application, for example, for

  • Water treatment
  • De-icing
  • Water recooling
  • Air conditioning systems

Typical materials

  • Brass
  • Stainless steel
  • Aluminium
  • Ceramics

Hollow conespray nozzles tangential

Hollow conespray nozzles of Düsenfabrik

Application, for example, for

  • Air- and gas washing
  • Water treatment
  • Air conditioning systems

Typical materials

  • Brass
  • Stainless steel
  • Aluminium
  • Ceramics

Full cone nozzles

Full cone nozzles of Düsenfabrik

Application, for example, for

  • Humidification
  • Dosing
  • Fire protection
  • Spray-dryin

Typical materials

  • Brass
  • Stainless steel
  • Aluminium
  • Ceramics

Mist nozzles

Mist nozzles of Düsenfabrik

Application, for example, for

  • Atomization of highly viscous liquids
  • Humidification of paper, textiles, air, or tobacco
  • Gas cooling
  • Incineration

Typical materials

  • Brass
  • Stainless steel
  • Aluminium
  • Ceramics

Nozzle heads

Nozzle heads of Düsenfabrik

Application, for example, for

  • Large-scale humidification
  • Gas cooling
  • Washing

Typical materials

  • Brass
  • Stainless steel
  • Aluminium
  • Tantalum