Nozzle selection

You don’t know which is the correct nozzle for your application yet? 

Here you can choose the most important parameters to select a nozzle. This choice is sent to us via email, and we’ll get in touch with you immediately. 

If the nozzle that you need doesn’t form part of our standard range, as a nozzle manufacturer we can, of course, produce it for you. Please use our contact form.

    Your name: (required field)

    Your company

    Your email address: (required field)

    Your telephone number:

    Which spraying pattern should the nozzle produce?

    Smooth jetflat jetfull conehollow conemist (one-substance)
    mist (two-substance)

    Which connection thread should be at the nozzle?


    Which amount of water should the nozzle spray? (in l/min at 3 bar)

    very little (0,01-0,1)a little (0,1-3)medium (3-9)a lot (9-50)a great lot (>50)

    Which cone of scattering / scattering angle should the nozzle create?


    Which material should the nozzle be made from?

    stainless steelbrasssynthetic material

    Which quantity is needed?


    Your message to us